Healing the real cause of life struggles and illness
“The greatest healing of all happens at an energetic level and not the physical level. True healing spans out in all directions and crosses time and space.“
Tina Zion, Master Medical Intuitive

Medical Intuition
Medical Intuition helps discover hidden and unconscious truths within multidimensional patterns, vibrating in complex relationships within the human body. It is one of the most therapeutic of all the healing modalities. People simply want to understand what is happening to them, why it is happening, and what they can do about it.

Family Generational Healing
Medical intuition and mediumship involve accessing information from the client’s energy field to uncover significant familial narratives that may be contributing to their life challenges. Medical intuitives can assist clients in releasing interferences from past lives. Healing deep trauma, shifting heavy emotional blocks, which lead to profound healing, for client’s and their family, across generations.

Animal Medical Intuition
Our furry loved ones need help too. Wonder how your best friend is feeling? Want to know how you can help and bring an issue to a healing? Through Medical Intuition direct communication can be established with animals and issues can be detected in the physical body, around the body, emotionally and even mentally.

House and Land Clearing
Often we can get a sense that something doesn’t feel right in the house, flat, or on the land. We can sense disharmonious energy in any space. Sometimes there can be interferences that are impacting on health, energy flow, how we feel, and even relationships.Medical Intuitives can astrally project to a location to remote view what these interferences could be and address and clear them.

As a natural part of Medical Intuition we can often have other people, living and deceased pop in. They too can need help. Perhaps looking for resolution in a relationship, a healing of a deep emotion or have become lost and need help to cross over. We may have a struggle that involves someone who has passed. Through Medical Intuition we can help bring a healing to the situation.

Bio Resonance Testing and Remedy
A Bio Resonance device is used remotely with the client to identify specific physiologic, emotional, environmental imbalances experienced. The detection of imbalances are often responsible for contributing to struggles and can show the potential for future dis-ease and conditions. Identify underlying causes assist in creating a specific remedy that can be imprinted and applied.
Noticing the very, very, very subtle all around us.

Recommended by Tina Zion (Master Medical Intuitive) as one of her trusted Medical Intuitive professionals HERE
The Attunitive
My daughter intuited the word ‘Attunitive’ for me from “Attunement Intuitive”. The word “attunement” resonates deeply with me, as my life has always revolved around harmonizing frequencies, teaching and performing music, and promoting holistic health. The Attunitive aspect has always been a part of who I have always been, and I am excited to share it with you.
Intuitive Insight
In my role as The Attunitive, I offer intuitive wisdom to offer valuable perspectives that bring comfort and restoration to health and wellbeing. Individuals seek clarity on their experiences, seeking explanations, reasons, and actionable steps for resolution.
Healing from Anywhere
You do not have to visit my office for sessions. I offer scheduling through phone, video platforms, or telepathy with reports sent via email. No matter where you are in the world, I am able to assist you.
Real Healing
Collaboratively, we can identify the underlying factors contributing to physical and emotional challenges in order to facilitate effective healing. Through our work together, we may uncover past traumas that are triggering more severe issues that may have otherwise remained unnoticed.
Why The Attunitive may be for you.

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Daily Messages From The Divine and Sacreds on YouTube, X, @theattunitive on Telegram and Instagram
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